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Universities should accept equal numbers of male

2019-10-16 16:54| 发布者: admin| 查看: 5040| 评论: 0

简介:Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Recently, the topic about the number of different gender students in different faculty have increasingly raised into the public’s concern. As my own opinion, to have an unequal amount of genders for the universities in some faculties is acceptable, if there students are treated equally.


Specifically speaking, for the students in the faculties of engineering. As it is well-known by the public, there is a huge amount of male student than female student. The reason of this fact is that being an engineer often requires physical activities during their working after they are graduated. In this point of view, mans are apparently more suitable for woman to deal with the physical work. Furthermore, engineering companies are also quit willing to hire someone who can have such abilities, which makes female engineering students harder to find a job after graduated. Thus, it is acceptable for the amount of the male student higher than the female student in the faculty of engineering from their future job-hunting point of view.


Whereas, different amount of gender may also contribute to many others negative issues. Firstly, a small amount of male or female students may always easily be isolated from the others one. This is due to different gender may have their different interest, seldom common interest will lead to less communication. And further, that small group of students might be isolated from the student group. As a consequence of that, discrimination or disrespect will be experienced by those students. And either being discriminated or disrespected are all extremely harmful for the mental development for students. Hence, the consequence of gender inequality should also be concerned as a negative part of this issue.


For conclusion, universities should not deliberately force the quantity of genders to be equal, for the consideration of their career development. However, this should base on a no discrimination environment provided from the school.


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