


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Did it snow last year at Christmas?

•Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child?

•Did you enjoy last Christmas?

•Do people behave differently during Christmas?

•Do they try to be better?

•Do you donate something (money, clothes...) to charities?


•Do you give something to homeless people?

•Do you attend any special religious ceremonies during the Christmas season?

•Do you celebrate Christmas in your country?

•Do you celebrate Christmas in a special way?

•Do you celebrate Christmas in a traditional way?

•Do you have a traditional Christmas?

•Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas?

•Do you eat a turkey dinner for your Christmas dinner?

•Do you enjoy Christmas time?

•Do you enjoy singing Christmas songs?

•Do you exchange presents with your friends at school?

•Do you go to church on Christmas day?

•Do you hang up a stocking?

•Do you have a Christmas party at school?

•Do you have a Christmas tree?

•If so, how do you decorate it?

•When do you put it up?

•When do you take it down?

•Is it real or artificial?

•Do you have a part-time job during Christmas vacation?

•Do you have any plans to go to a Christmas party?

•Do you know why Christmas is celebrated around the world?

•Do you know the history of Christmas?

•Do you remember when you found out that Santa Claus wasn't real/ or when your children found out? What was your/their reaction like?

•Do you see your relatives at Christmas time?

•Do you think Christmas is depressing? (There is a high suicide rate at this time of year.)

•Do you think we will have a white Christmas this year?

•Do you usually put up Christmas decorations in your house? (Do you usually decorate your home?)

•How about at your school of the place where you work?

•Does you school have a Christmas play?

•Does your family have any special Christmas traditions?

•Does your town get decorated at Christmas?

•What kind of decorations?

•Have you already finished your Christmas shopping?

•Have you ever celebrated Christmas in a foreign country?

•Have you ever made your own Christmas cards?

•If so, how did you make them?

•How do you usually spend New Year's Eve? How about New Year's Day?

•How long do you keep your Christmas tree up after Christmas?

•How long is your Christmas vacation?

•How many Christmas cards did you receive last year?

•How many Christmas cards do you send?

•How many presents do you usually give?

•If you are not a Christian, does the intense focus on Christmas in the U.S. make you feel bad in any way (e.g., ignored, dismissed, angry, etc.)?

•If you could go anywhere during Christmas vacation, where would you go?

•In how many languages did you write Christmas cards?

•Is there a holiday similar to Christmas in your home country?

•Is your Christmas tree a real tree or an artificial tree?

•What are some popular foods for the Christmas season?

•What are you going to buy your boyfriend/girlfriend for their Christmas present?

•What did you do last year on Christmas Day?

•How did you celebrate Christmas last year?

•What do you eat on Christmas Day?

•What do you usually do for Christmas?

•What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas?

•What does your family eat for Christmas dinner?

•What is Christmas like in your hometown?

•What is Christmas like in your country?

•What is the best Christmas present you have ever gotten?

•What is the most expensive Christmas present you plan to buy? •What is the typical menu for a Christmas meal in your family? (... in your country?)

•What is the weather like in your country around Christmas time?

•What is your attitude toward the commercialization of the Christmas season?

•Is Christmas becoming too commercialized?

•What is your favorite Christmas carol?

•What is your favorite Christmas song?

•Are there any special songs in your country that you don't hear here?

•What kind of interesting things do you do for Christmas in your home country?

•What kind of presents do you expect to get this Christmas?

•What time do you wake up on Christmas day?

•What time does your family open the presents?

•What traditions do you have during the Christmas season?

•What was the best present your received last Christmas?

•What will you buy your parents?

•What will you do on Christmas day?

•What will you eat on Christmas Day?

•What would you like to get for your Christmas present?

•What's your favorite Christmas song? •When do you do your Christmas shopping?What kind of presents do you buy?

•Who do you buy them for?

•About how much do you spend per person?

•When do you give Christmas presents? (On what day? At what time?)

•When do you open Christmas presents? (On what day? At what time?)

•When do you put up a Christmas tree?

•If you don't put up a Christmas tree, do you put up other decorations?

•When does your family decorate the Christmas tree?

•Where are you going for Christmas vacation?

•Where do you think Santa Claus is from?

•Where will you go on Christmas Day?

•Who do you expect to receive presents from?

•Who is Santa Claus?

•Do you know the history of Santa Claus?

•At what age did you begin not believing in Santa Claus?

•Who was at your house last Christmas?

•Who will you give presents to this year?

•Who would you like to be with on Christmas?

•Will you go skiing during the Christmas vacation?

•Will you have a Christmas party at your home?

•Will you spend Christmas vacation with your family or your friends?

•Will you travel abroad during the Christmas vacation?

•Would you like to go skating during Christmas vacation?

•Why do people give out Christmas cards with gifts and presents at Christmas time?

•Why some people do not like Christmas?

•Do people behave differently during Christmas? Do they try to be better?

•Do you donate something (money, clothes...) to charities?

•Do you give something to homeless people?

•How long do Christmas trees last?

•Do you use an artificial tree?

•What do you usually do on Christmas day?

•What people usually do on Christmas day?

•Why do people sometimes write "Christmas" with an "X"? (Xmas)

•Do you have a big and delicious dinner on Christmas day?

•Does it break your heart knowing that your children have grown up and this year will be their last Christmas at home?

•If you had a million dollars, what would you do during Christmas time?

•If you could change something about Christmas time, what would it be?

•When do you put up your Christmas tree?

•How is christmas celebrated in the United States?

•Do you have a big and delicious dinner in Christmas?

•What kind of food do you usually eat in your country?

•Do you remember Christmas clebrations you had as a child?

•What was the most regretful thing about this year?

•Does it break your heart knowing that your children have grown up and this year will be their last christmas at home?

•What did you get for Christmas? What did you give for Christmas?

•What's the best thing you left out for santa clause to eat on Christmas?

•Trivia: In what 1942 movie was the song 'White Christmas" first sung?

•Do you ever think about the real meaning of Christmas?

•Do you go skiing at Christmas time?

•Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?

•Which comes first, Christmas or New Year's Day?

•What is the significance of a Christmas tree?

•What does it represent for you?

•How was this year?

•Was this year better or worse than last year? How come?

•What was the happiest thing for you this year?

•What was the saddest thing for you this year?

•What was the toughest thing for you this year?

•What was the best movie for you this year?

•What was the best music for you this year?

•What was the best TV show for you this year?

•What was the best place you visited this year?

•What was the best food you had this year?

•What was the best restaurant you went to this year?

•What was the most useful thing you bought this year?

•What was the most expensive thing you bought this year?

•What was the best item of clothing you bought this year?

•What was the biggest waste of money this year?

•What was something you lost this year?

•Do you have any regrets about this year?

•Did you make a New Year's Resolution this year?

•Do people in your country usually make New Year's Resolutions?

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