


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•What can you do to prepare in advance for a disaster?

•How much warning time do people normally have to prepare for typhoons, hurricanes, and earthquakes?

•How much warning time do people normally have for tsunamis?

•What sorts of preparations would you make if a typhoon was going to hit your area?

•Why do people leave when a typhoon is coming?


•What has your family done in the past to prepare for a disaster?

•Do you have extra food and water in your house?

•Do you have an electric generator in your house?

•What are some essential things you would need in your house in order to be prepared for a disaster?

•Do you have food and water in your car?

•How can you help your pet prepare for a disaster?

•Do you know where the evacuation area is in your area?

•What should you do if you receive a tornado warning?


•What happens during an earthquake? How long does an earthquake usually last?

•What happens during a tsunami?

•What happens during a typhoon?

•How can you prevent injury?

•Where are some dangerous places to be in your house?

•Where are some safe places to be in your house?

•What could you say to someone who is frightened?

•What are some problems people have right after a natural disaster?

•What are some things you should do as soon as possible? For example,listen to the radio, watch television, check gas and water.

•How can you get food, water, and ice if the power in your area is off?

•How can you travel without electricity or gasoline?

•What are some short-term problems people might have after a disaster?

•What are some long-term problems people might have after a disaster?

•What are some health problems that might arise after a disaster?

•Who should you contact to let them know you are safe?

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