


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•When is the holiday celebrated?

•Is it celebrated as a family or a group?

•Does your family celebrate this holiday?

•Has your family always celebrated this holiday? If not, when did you start celebrating it?

•When does the celebration for this holiday generally start?

•Is it a religious holiday?


•Which religion celebrates it?

•Is attending a temple or a church on that day part of the celebration?

•Are there specific prayers or blessings that go with the holiday?

•Are there special foods connected with the holiday?

•Have you eaten any of these foods?

•Do you or did you like the foods?

•Can you make these foods? Are you good at making them?

•Is gift giving a part of this holiday

•Are there specific types of gifts to be given?

•Who are they given to?

•What are some of the things that are done to show that this holiday is being observed?

•Is it strictly an American holiday?

•When did Congress approve this holiday? Or did they?

•Is it only a state or city approved holiday?

•Has is ever been disapproved by officials?

•What does the holiday stand for? Why is this holiday celebrated?

•Are the banks, post offices or schools closed for this holiday?

•Is there is a person or god connected with the holiday?

•Who are they and do you believe in them?

•If you do not believe in these people or gods, does the celebration of these bother you in any way (e.g., ignored, dismissed, angry, etc.)?

•Do you enjoy the holiday?

•Why or why not?

•Do you decorate the outside of your house for the holiday?

•Do your neighbors decorate their house?

•How is the house decorated?

•Is the inside decorated? How?

•Are there special songs associated with the holiday?

•Do you know the songs?

•Can you sing some of them?

•Do schools, temples or churches have special programs for this holiday?

•Are there parties?

•Are these for adults, children or both?

•Do you see your relatives during this holiday?

•Who did you visit?

•Do you visit them every year on this holiday?

•How many different nationalities or ethnic groups do you see celebrating this holiday?

•What do you usually do for this holiday?

•What did you do last year?


•What would you like to do next year?

•Are cards sent or given for this holiday?

•Did you send any cards last year?

•How many cards did you send?

•Who did you send cards to?

•What traditional colors are associated with this holiday?

•Do you do something different during this holiday?

•Would you like to go on a cruise? Why or why not?

•Will you go back to the same place again?

•Have you ever entered a competition to win a holiday?

•Compare the experience of being a tourist with being an international student.

•In your opinion, what are the five most essential items to pack on any holiday?

•Is a 'working holiday' really a holiday?

•Who do you know that really needs a holiday, and why? Where should they go and what should they do?

•Compare caravan holidays with youth hostels.

•Compare camping in a tent with staying in a five star hotel.

•Compare traveling alone to traveling with a companion.

•Compare package tours with do-it-yourself tours.

•Do you think package holidays for pets is a good idea?

•If so, what kind of tours and activities should they offer?

• How much should they be?

•Should dogs and cats be allowed to travel on the same tour?

•What holidays have disappeared in your country?

•What is your parent's favorite holiday?

•What new holiday are needed in your country?

•What holiday should be abolished?

•What are some of your fondest memories of Thanksgiving?

•What kind of traditional food do you eat for Thanksgiving?

•Where is the best place to be for the holidays?

•Do you think holidays are important? Why?

•What kinds of thing do you like to do on the holidays?

•Do you ever feel blue during the holidays? What do you do about it?

•Do you think pets need holidays? What kinds of holidays would we have for pets?

•What games do you play during your holidays?

•How many holidays do you have in your country?

•What special foods are associated with your favorite holiday?

•What special clothing/customs are associated with your favorite holiday?

•What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it.

•Who is your favorite holiday character (e.g. Santa Claus)? Why?

•What are three holidays that you like to spend with your family?

•What is your worst holiday memory? Tell us about it.

•If you had a long holiday, what will you do with it?

•Do you like to stay up late on holidays?

•Who do you usually spend the holidays with?

•If a holiday falls on a Sunday, should you get another day off?

•What is best present you ever received?

•What is your favorite holiday food?

•What is your favorite holiday song?

•Does it bother you that some holidays are religious and some are not?

•Do you celebrate holidays differently now than you did when you were a child?

•What is your favorite holiday festival in your country?

•Do you light off fireworks on New Years Eve in your country?

•If you could visit any other country during Christmas, where would you go?

•What holiday is the most dangerous in your country?

•What holiday is the most exciting in your country?

•Why do we celebrate Easter?

•Do you celebrate Easter in your country?

•How do you celebrate Easter in your country?

•Do you have any special family traditions?

•Did the original meaning of Easter get lost?

•What do you think of Father's Day? Mother's Day? Parent's Day?

•What are 3 holidays that you like to spend with your family?

•If you had a long holiday, what will you do with it?Do you like to stay up late on holidays?

•What's your favorite holiday food?

•What kinds of religious holidays have become secular in your country?

•Is there any religious holiday that has a special meaning for you?

•Is there any non-religious holiday that has a special meaning for you?

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