


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Do you believe in ghosts?

•Do you believe that dead people come back to life as ghosts?

•Would you talk to a ghost?

•Do you know any good stories about ghosts?

•Do you know anyone who has said that they have seen a ghost?

•Have you ever come in contact with a ghost? (Have you ever seen a ghost?)


•If one of your friends told you they had seen a ghost, would you believe him/her? Why/Why not?

•What is the scariest ghost story you know?

•Is there an area where you live (park, house, etc.) that is known to be haunted?

•If so, what is the story or legend that makes people believe this area is haunted? Have you ever visited this place?

•Do you believe that houses can be haunted? Have you ever been to one?

•Do you believe that houses have ghosts in them sometimes?

•Were you ever touched or physically harmed by a ghost or "spirit"? If so, how?

•If you were a ghost who and where would you haunt?

•How do you know if a ghost is near you?

•If you don't believe in ghosts, then what have you heard other people say?

•If you don't believe in ghost, why don't you believe?

•If you don't believe in ghost, and you actually have seen one, what were your reactions?

•Have you ever felt that you knew a ghost that you saw?

•If you were a ghost, who or what would you haunt?

•Why do people say they see ghosts even though they sometimes do not?

•Do you put any faith in the modern day ghost hunters?

•Can you recall any strange or unexplained events in your life?

•Do you believe your ancestors are watching you?

•What do you think about the images movies give us about aliens?

•Would you spend the night in a place where people say that there are ghosts?

•Would you spend the night in a very old uninhabited house, church school that was known to have ghosts?

•Have you seen a ghost? What kind of ghost? Did you get to talk with the ghost?

•Have you though about becoming a ghostbuster?

•Would you be scared if a ghost talked to you?

•Do you think we can feel if a ghost is near by us by the changes in the weather?

•What reasons might ghosts haunt?

•Have you ever felt that you knew a ghost that you saw?(like a grandparent or other relative)


•Do you think that there is truth behind superstitions?

•Do you walk under ladders?

•What are some superstitions in your country?

•What are some things that are considered unlucky?

•What are some things that are considered lucky?

•What numbers are considered to be lucky and unlucky in your country?

•A four-leaf clover is often considered lucky. What are some other things which are considered lucky.

•Do you have a lucky number?

•What are some superstitions in the United States? Canada? Australia, England? Your country?

•Have you ever gone to a psychic?

•If so, what were you told?

•Did you believe it?

•Why do some people consult psychics before doing important things?

•Do you know anyone that has ever been to a psychic?

•Why do some people need fortunetellers?

•How do people predict the future in your country?

•Do you think that dreams come true?

•Do you think that dreams can help us solve our problems?

•Have you ever had a dream that come true?

•Have you ever had a dream that later came true?

•Do you think that some people can predict the future?

•What is your blood type?

•Do you believe that you can tell a lot about a person from his/her blood type?

•Do you believe that blood types can tell what a person's personality is?

•Is the belief in UFOs, aliens, and physic powers growing because belief in religion is dying?

•Do you believe in horoscopes?

•Do you read your horoscope? If so, do you believe it?

•What is your star sign?

•Do you believe the predictions contained within your horoscope?

•Are horoscopes important?

•Do you read your horoscope often? Does it come true?

•Does your star sign describe your personality traits well?

•Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain?

•Do you believe that there are many things in our universe that cannot be explained? Give examples.

•Do you believe that you are from another planet

•Do you believe you have supernatural powers there?

•Have you ever tried to contact another planet?

•Did you succeed?

•Do you believe in ESP?

•How can a person know what kind of ESP abilities he/she has?

•What do you think are some ways of developing these abilities?

•Do you believe that UFOs exist? / Do you believe in UFOs?

•Do you know anyone who has said that they have seen a UFO?

•Have you ever seen a UFO?

•Do you know anyone who says that they have?

•If you saw a UFO but were alone and had no proof would you tell anyone? Who?

•Do you think that UFOs from other planets visit Earth?

•What would you do if you were taken aboard a UFO?

•Do you believe there is life on other planets?

•Have you ever seen an E.T.?

•Do you know anyone who says that they have?

•(Perhaps you should also explain that alien sometimes means a person from another country.)

•Do you believe in aliens?

•Do you think that you are an alien?

•Do you think aliens are monsters?

•If you saw an alien what do you would do?

•Have you ever seen an alien?

•Has anyone ever told you that he or she has seen an alien?

•Do you believe in reincarnation?

•Have you ever felt that you knew someone the first time you met them?

•Have you ever visited a foreign country or city for the first time and found that you knew exactly where things were?

•Have you ever looked in the mirror and 'seen'a different face?

•What do you think a spirit would look like?

•Is the belief in UFOs, aliens, physic powers, etc, growing because the belief in religion is dying?

•Are you afraid of spirits?

•Do you believe in angels?

•Do you believe in witches why or why not.

•Do you believe in astrology? What is your astrological sign?

•Do you believe in coincidences? Why or why not?

•Do you believe in God? Why or why not?

•Do you believe in life after death?

•Do you believe in vampires? (Do you believe that vampires exist?)

•Do you believe in zombies? (Do you believe that zombies exist?)

•In many countries people believe in ghosts, spirits and dragons. Is this true in your country, and why do you think these beliefs are so common?

•What is the most frightening things that has ever happened to you?

•What is the most frightening experience you have had?

•Have you ever been in a cemetery at night? Why? Or why not? Would you go?

•Where do you think dead people go?

•Do you believe that people who were bad alive pay their bad behavior by staying here?

•Do you think heaven exist?

•Do you think hell exist?

•Have you played Ouija? Why or why no? Would you play?

•Do you think that spirits who appear to people are good or bad?

•Have you ever been contacted an angel? What did it tell you?

•Have you been involved in a miracle? What was it about?

•Do you get scared by horror stories?

•Do you believe that when you get a chill down your back its a rabbit running over a grave

•Is belief in UFOs, Aliens, Physic powers, etc, growing because belief in religion is dying?

•Do you think that a supernatural creature can be caught by someone?

•Where is the scariest place in your country? Why?

•Do you believe your ancestors are watching you?

•What's the spookiest thing that has ever happened to you?

•Do you believe in witches and the practice of witchcraft?

•What would you do or how would you react if one of your friends admitted that he/she practices witchcraft?

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