


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•As a teenager, what do you think you can contribute to society?

•At what age should teenagers leave home?

•What type of punishment did your parents use when you were a teenager?

•Do you think teenagers today have it "too easy'?

•Did you have a good relationship with your parents? Why or why not?

•What do you think are some important things parents can do for teenagers?


•Do you think teenagers today show respect for adults? Teachers? Parents? Brothers and sisters?

•What do you think about teenagers who dye their hair blue, green, or another crazy color?

•Do you think that wearing uniforms to school is a good idea?

•At what age did you leave home?

•What would you do if your teenage son or daughter got a tattoo?

•What would you do if your teenage son or daughter shaved his or her head?

•How do you feel about swearing?

• Does it matter if teenagers sometimes use bad language?

•What do you think about rock videos today?

•What do you think parents can do to help teenagers avoid depression?

•Do you believe in anti depression drugs?


•Do you think it's a good idea to give teenagers a lot of freedom? (For example, come home when you like)

•Do teenagers in your former country have problems with drugs or alcohol?

•What can you do to keep your teenager away from drugs and alcohol?

•Is teenage suicide a problem?

•Why do you think some teenagers do good things and others (in the same family often) do bad things?

•At what age should a teenage girl have her first serious boyfriend?

•At what age should a teenage boy have his first serious girlfriend?

•How old were you when you had your first serious relationship?

•What can society do to help teenagers who have problems at home?

•Are there more pregnant teenage girls in this country than in your country? Why?

•What is the best advice you could give to a teenager growing up in this culture?

•Do you think that advertising plays an important role in how teenagers think?

•Should teenagers work? Why or why not?

•Did you work when you were a teenager?

•If you could be a teenager again, would you do anything differently?

•Were you teenage years enjoyable?

•What is it like to be a teenager in your society?

•Would you rather be a child, teenager or an adult? Why?

•What are the advantages of being a child?

• A teenager?

• An adult?

•What are the disadvantages of being a child?

• A teenager?

• An adult?

•If you could meet any teenager in the world, who would it be?

•At what age should teenagers be allowed to leave school?

•At what age should teenagers be allowed to smoke?

•At what age should teenagers be allowed to drink?

•At what age should teenagers be allowed to drive?

•At what age should teenagers be allowed to get married?

•At what age should teenagers be allowed to vote?

•Do you know any good role models for teenagers?

•Do you know any teenagers who don't act like other teens?

•Why do you think they act differently?

•What do teenagers think about?

•What do you/will you remember about being a teenager?

•Can teens change the world?

•If yes, how?

•If not, why not?

•What's the difference between teenage girls and teenage boys?

• What causes those differences?

•Would you rather be stuck in a bus with children, teens, young adults, adults or elderly adults? Why?

•When did you start to be a teen?

• How did you know that you were a teenager?

•Do you still feel like a teen sometimes?

•What is the difference between the teenagers of 19th century and the teenagers of the 21st century?

•As a teenager, how do you think fashion changed or affected your life?

•Among teenage fashion that is prevalent in the world today, which do you think is the the best? The most hideous? The strangest?

•How much freedom should parents give to their teenagers?

• Should boys and girls be given the same amount of freedom? Why or Why not?

•If you were a parent and your teenage child did something wrong, how would you discipline him/her?

•What do you think are some of the greatest problems facing teenagers today?

• How are different from the ones you faced as a teenager?

•How do you think can we eradicate or at least lessen juvenile delinquency?

•How does media affect the thinking patterns of the teenagers of today?

•If you could do something differently, which mistake in the past would you not make and why?

•Do you think teenagers today should show more respect for adults?


• Parents?

• Brothers

• Sisters?

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