


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

• Do you have a good memory or a bad memory

• Do you usually remember things or forget things?

• Would you like to have a perfect memory?

• Why or why not?

• How would it change your life?


• Who do you know who has the best memory?

• Can you tell us about them?

• Who do you know who has the worst memory?

• Can you tell us about them?

• What's your earliest memory?

• When was it?

• Can you tell us about your earliest memories in detail?

• What's your most vivid memory?

• When was it?

• Can you tell us in detail about it?

• Have you ever forgotten something important, like your keys or your phone?

• Can you tell the us what you did?

• Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you went there?

• Have you ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary?

• Can you tell us what happened?

• Has someone you known ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary?

• Tell your group what happened.

• As people grow older, sometimes the distant past is easier to remember than the near past. Why do you think this is? Have you ever seen examples of this?

• Tell your group about them.

• Are there some things or times that you will never forget?

• Tell your group about them.

• Are there some things or times that you wish you could forget? Tell your group about them.

• Memories make the man.

• What do you think this means? Can you give some examples.

• Those who forget the past will repeat it. What do you think this means? Give examples.

• Many people find that a certain sound or smell brings back a childhood memory very strongly (such as the smell of a food that your mother often cooked when you were young).


• Why do you think this is?

• What has this effect on you?

• Give examples.

• Many people find that visiting certain place brings back a childhood memory very strongly (such as the scene of an old family holiday).

• Why do you think this is?

• Where has this effect on you?

• Give examples.

• If you could edit your memories, which ones would you erase and why?

• Which ones would you make clearer and more vivid?

• Do you have a photographic memory?

• Do you know anyone who has a photographic memory?

• Do you have a good memory or a bad memory (that is, do you usually remember things or forget things)?

• Why do you think this?

• Who do you know who has the best memory (usually remembers everything)? Tell your group about them.

• Who do you know who has the worst memory (usually forgets things)? Tell your group about them.

• What"s your earliest memory? When was it? Describe it in detail.

• What things is it important to remember? Why?

• What music brings back memories for you. Describe the memory. Why do you think this is?

• What memory is your happiest?

• What memory is your saddest?

• What memory is your funniest?

• What memory is your scariest?

• What are your best memories from elementary school?

• What are your best memories from junior high school?

• What are your best memories from high school?

• What are your worst memories from elementary school?

• What are your worst memories from junior high school?

• What are your worst memories from high school?

• Do you easily memorize information?

• Do you have good memory for names/faces/numbers?

• Have you had any problems with your memory?

• Do you train your memory?

• How many words a week do you remember?

• Do you sometimes forget things, important for you?

• What do you think of when you hear the word "memory"?

• How many different meanings does memory have?

• Do you have a short term or long term memory?

• What do you usually forget?

• What do you need your memory most for?

• What is an important date for you to remember?

• Do you think it would be easier to erase bad memories? Would you do it?

• Which memories would you like to relive?

• Do certain photographs bring back memories? Is there a special picture that reminds you of a good memory?

• Do you have a good memory or a bad memory?

• Would you like to have a perfect memory? Why or why not? How would it change your life?

• Who do you know who has the best memory? Tell your group about them.

• Who do you know who has the worst memory? Tell your group about them.

• What's your earliest memory? When was it? Describe it in detail.

• What's your most vivid (clear or sharp) memory? When was it? Describe it in detail.

• Have you ever forgotten something important, like your keys or your phone? Has someone you known ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary?

• Has someone you know ever forgotten something important, like their keys or their phone? Tell your group what happened.

• Have you ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary? Tell your group what happened.

• Has someone you known ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary? Tell your group what happened.

• As people grow older, sometimes the distant past is easier to remember than the near past. Why do you think this is? Have you ever seen examples of this? Tell your group about them.

• Are there some things or times that you will never forget? Tell your group about them.

• Are there some things or times that you wish you could forget? Tell your group about them.

• Memories make the man. What do you think this means? Give examples.

• Those who forget the past will repeat it. What do you think this means? Give examples.

• If you could edit your memories, which ones would you erase and why? Which ones would you make clearer and more vivid?

• Do you have a photographic memory? Do you know anyone who has a photographic memory?

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