


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Do you have a handicap?

•Do you know anyone with a handicap?

•What are some handicaps that people have?

•Have you ever parked in the handicapped parking area?

•How are handicapped people treated in your country?

•What do you feel when you see a handicapped person?


•What can you do to help handicapped people?

•Does your country have special training facilities for handicapped people?

•What are some types of disabilities?

•Did you ever know someone with a disability?

•What was it like to work/talk/play with them?

•Were they smarter or less smart than yourself?

•How would you feel to find out your best friend was _______? (going blind, going deaf, losing their legs, etc)


•Do disabled people have anything of value to add to society?

•If you see or meet a disabled person, what actions should you take?

•What are ways that disabled people can compensate for their weakness?

•How did you feel starting the walk?

•Did you trust your partner?

•How do you feel now? How do you feel about your partner? (closer/more trusting...fearful)

•What did you learn about disabled people?

•What are things you had to do because you were blind?

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