


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Where did you go to kindergarten?

•Where did you go to elementary school?

•Where did you go to junior high school?

•Where did you go to high school?

•Did you go to college or university?

•Where did you go?


•What did you study?

•How many years did you go?

•Did you work while you went there?

•Did you enjoy going to elementary school?

•Does your country have middle schools?

• What is the age that children begin school?

•How old are students they when they graduate?

• Did you go to a good high school?

•What do you remember about your teachers?

• Who was your favorite teacher?

• What teacher impressed you the most?

• Do you still stay in touch with your teachers?

• Did you have any teachers you didn't like?

•How many students were in your high school?

•Describe the students who attended your high school.

• Did they have a good influence on you?

• Did they make your childhood and teenage years harder or easier?

•Were there cliques in your high school? Were there gangs?

•Did you make friends in high school that you still keep in touch with?

•What subjects were you good at?

•What subjects were you bad at?

•Did you study a foreign language in school? Was it taught well?

•Do you know anyone who attended a private school? Do private schools offer higher quality education or are they just prestigious?

•Did you attend college?

•If you did, what made you decide to go to the college you did?

•Was it a good school?

•How many students attended it?

•How many students were in your biggest class? How many in your smallest class? Did you prefer small classes or big classes?

•Was it harder to study in college than in high school? How does college compare to high school? What advice would you give a high school student who is about to go to college?

•What did you major in? Why did you choose the major you did?

•Did you live in a dormitory while you went to college? Who were your roommates?

•Does your country provide a good public school system?

•Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?

•What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?

•What role do you think human capital plays in the development of countries?

•How many years did you attend college?

•Did you study abroad?


•Do the elite in your country attend one or two universities?

•Do elite universities help or harm your country?

•Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student - in elementary, middle or high school?

•What are the skills that separate good students from bad students?

•Were good grades important to you?

•Did teachers grade students fairly? Did you ever feel like you should have gotten a better grade then you did in a class?

•Did you procrastinate studying? Did you ever pull an all nighter?

•Did you study with other students?

•Did classmates talk to each other much before or after class?

•Did you skip class very often?

•Do college professors give students syllabuses at the beginning of term? Were you clear on what professors expected of you?

•Are college tuitions reasonable in your country? Is it easy to get scholarships or government grants?

•Are there good colleges in your country?

•Do many people in your country study abroad?

•Are there any subjects you wanted to study but they weren't available at your school?

•Are women encouraged to pursue education?

•Are straight-A students smarter than others or just better at memorizing things? Did you really learn in school or did you just memorize information and pass tests?

•Do you know anyone who does not know how to read or write?

•Do you think teachers are paid enough? Do you think teachers are well educated?

•Do you think your teachers gave too much homework? How much homework should teachers assign students?

•Did you ride a bus or walk to school?

•Was school ever canceled for a day when you were a child?

•Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?

•Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?

•Does education guarantee a good job?

•What are the qualities of a good student?

•What are the qualities of a good teacher?

•Why do you think people become teachers?

•How much free time does a high school student in your country have?

•Do parents home-school their children in your country?

•What do you think of home schooling?

•Do you know anyone who was home schooled?

•Do you wish you had been home schooled?

•Are teachers the only ones qualified to teach children? What makes someone qualified to teach children?

•Can parents influence their children's schools? What can a parent do if he or she disapproves of a teacher's decision?

•Do children have a right to an education? Should education be free?

•Does your country provide a good public school system?

•What improvements does the school system need?

•Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?

•If a school gets more money, will the quality of education always improve?

•What would happen if public schools were abolished? Could children still get an education?

•Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?

•What are some ways a person can continue to learn?

•Are college graduates smarter than people who did not go to college?

•Would you ever vote for a politician who did not attend college?

•Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities? Do elite universities help or harm your country?

•What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?

•Why do students cheat during tests and exams? How do they cheat?

•What is your attitude towards cheating? How should parents react? How should teachers react?

•Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student - in elementary, middle or high school?

•Should people go straight from school to a university, or do something different?

•What is a "genius"?

•Do teachers sometimes teach things that are not important?

•Are there things your school does not teach that you think it should?

•Are school uniforms good to have? Why or why not?

•Would you ever want to learn a third language?

•How important is curiosity in a student?

•Can you teach someone who has no desire to learn?

•What do you think about a gap year, is this something you would consider?

•Should people go straight from school to University, or do something different?

•Do you think it is necessary that there are windows in the classroom to provide for a proper learning atmosphere?

•What do you wish your teachers understood about you?

•Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?

•What do you consider to be a "smart" or "slow" person?

•Are things your school teaches that you think are not important?

•Are school uniforms good to have? Why/why not?

•Do prefer school uniforms or casuals better?

•Would you ever want to learn a third language? [To be "trilingual"]

•What do you consider "hardworking" or 'lazy"?

•What is the role of schools in society?

•Do you enjoy going to school? If so, why if not why?

•What does your education mean to you?

•What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of state and private schools are?

•What would you do if you saw someone with a gun at school?

•Are college tuitions reasonable?

•Are foreign languages part of the curriculum? If so, which languages?

•Are most schools coeducational in your country?

•Are there any subjects/classes you wanted to study but they weren't available at your school/college?

•Do you have difficulty with school work?

•Do you think teachers are paid enough?

•Do you think your school is a good one? Why/why not?

•Do you think your teachers give too much homework?

•Do you think public speaking can improve your english?

•How can we improve our classroom?

•Why English is hard to learn at university level?

•How do you travel to school?

•How long must you go to college to get a degree?

•How much is too much homework? How should the homework load be managed?

•If you have not attended college, do you plan on doing so?

•What are some good ways to learn English?

•What are some important factors in determining which college to attend?

•What classes would you take?

•What do you study? What's your major?

•What is the average age of a high school graduate?

•What is your favorite class?

•What was (or is) your favorite subject? Why do you like it?

•Who selects the college you will attend -- you or your parents?

•Why are you studying a foreign language?

•Why is it helpful to learn a Second language ?

•Why is it sometimes very difficult to speak another language?

•Would you consider studying abroad?

•Do parents home-school their children in your country?

•What do you think of home-schooling?

•Do you know anyone who was home-schooled?

•Do you think that most parents influence what university their child will attend?

•Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?

•What are some ways a person can continue to learn?

•Which is more important, the essential skills in life you've learned to develop on your own or the artificial structure in college about the "real" life?

•Which high schools and colleges are the best in your country?

•Which high schools and colleges are not so good in your country?

•We should not just prepare for life, but live it. Do you agree?

•What kind of world do you think this would be if people never went to school?

•Should education be free?

•Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities?

•Do your children attend US schools? If so, how do their schools differ from those your children attended back home?

•Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?

•Why do students cheat during tests and exams?

•How do they cheat?

•What is your attitude towards cheating?

•What are the dangers of cheating?

•How should parents react?

•How should teachers react?

•What is the role of school and decision makers?

•What skills separate good students from bad students?

•Should people go straight from school to university, or do something different?

•Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?

•Are things that your school teaches you that you think are not important?

•Do prefer school uniforms or casuals clothes better?

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