


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Are you annoyed when your partner, husband, or wife flirts with someone else ?

•Do bad mannered people upset you?

•Do you get angry when politicians make promises they can't keep?

•Do you get angry when you watch the news on TV and see all the terrible things happening in the world?

•Does it annoy you when shop assistants try to sell you things you don't need?


•Does it annoy you when someone interrupts you when you are speaking?

•Does it annoy you when someone knows everything better than you and says so?

•Does it annoy you when you are waiting in a long queue and someone pushes in front of you?

•Does it annoy you when your teacher speaks too quickly?

•Does it drive you crazy to always see the same faces and read about the same celebrities in the gossip columns?

•Does it drive you crazy when waiters ignore you?

•Does it drive you crazy when you have invited people to dinner and they come late and the meal is spoiled?


•Does it make you angry when motorists drive too closely behind you?

•Does it make you angry when people make nasty comments about you ?

•Does it make you angry when you have made an appointment to see the doctor at a certain time and he/she keeps you waiting for ages ?

•Does it upset or annoy you when a beggar asks you for money?

•Does it upset you when have to say "No" when someone asks you for help?

•Does it upset you when you see homeless people?

•Does it upset you when you see people hitting children or animals?

•Does it upset you when you see pictures of famines in India, Africa or other countries?

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