


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•What are some gestures you know?

•What are some good gestures in your country?

•What are some insulting gestures in your country?

•Can you think of some gestures that have different meanings in different countries?

•Has your teacher ever used a hand and/or facial gesture that was o.k. in the teacher's country but an insult in your country? If so, did you tell the teacher so it would not happen again?


•What are some bad gestures that you have seen in Western films but you don't know the meaning of?

•What are some gestures that you used when you were a child that you don't use anymore?

•What are some gestures that you didn't learn until you were a teenager or a young adult?

•What are some gestures you know that relate to the sporting world?

•Have you ever made a social mistake using wrong gestures in foreign countries?

•What gesture in your culture do you think is unique from other cultures?

•Has your teacher ever used a gesture that you are not sure you understood? If so, please try to imitate the gesture and say what you think it means.

•What gestures, in your opinion, are understood by people anywhere in the world?

•Do gestures help you to understand others and express yourself, or are they sometimes confusing and distracting?

•Can you say anything in sign language?

•How much do people in your country move their hands when they talk?

•Do you know any gestures you can make with your feet? What do they mean?

•Why do you think people express with gestures?

•How do you signal a waiter in your country?


•How do you signal that someone has a phone call?

•How do you signal that someone is crazy?

•What's your country's gesture for peace? What if you show it backwards? (I.e. In Hong Kong, if the back of the hand faces the audience when you're using a "V" peace sign, that means "F*** You!")

•How do you signal that you're bored? tired? angry?

•How do you gesture "Go away!"?

•Have you or any body like your friends or family ever made there own gesture that never excited before

•What are some universal gestures for help? choking?

•What are some "bad" gestures that you have seen in Western films but you don't know the meaning of? (You need to be careful here not to offend anybody but if your teacher doesn't tell you, then who can you ask??)

•How do you count on your fingers in your country?

•How do you beckon someone to come to you in your country?

•When is it appropriate to point?

•What gestures do you have when drinking alcohol?

•What are your friend's favorite gesture?

•Do you "talk" with your hands?

•Do you know anyone who does?

•Have you ever described something to someone on the phone and realized you were using gestures,even though the person could not see you?

•Do you think some gestures are universal?

•What are the gestures for "I don't know", "You are crazy", "money" and "come here" in your country?

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