


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Do you think alcohol is a drug?

•What is alcoholism?

•Do you know of any alcoholics?

•How do you stop being an alcoholic?

•Do you know how much alcohol is in beer?

•Do you know how much alcohol is in whiskey?


•What are some of the characteristics of drunk people?

•Is alcohol addictive? What about tea, coffee, and chocolate?

•Should marijuana be illegal?

•Do you think marijuana should be legal or illegal? Support your opinion with facts.

•Why do you think marijuana is illegal?

•Is marijuana grown in your country?

•What are some ways drug users use marijuana?

•Do you think tobacco companies would like to sell marijuana?

•Why do you think that tobacco is a legal drug?

•Are any of your friends addicted to tobacco?

•What are the different ways to use tobacco?

•Do you know anyone who smokes a pipe?

•What is the difference between pipe tobacco and cigarette tobacco?

•What do you think about chewing tobacco?

•Is there any difference between "soft" drugs such as marijuana and "hard" drugs like crack, heroin, cocaine etc?

•Is ecstasy a soft or a hard drug?

•Should there be punishments for dealing drugs?

•Should there be punishments for using drugs?

•Should drug dealers get the death penalty?

•If heroin were legal, would there be less crime? For example, burglary and robbery.

•Do some people have addictive personalities?

•If you are addicted to drugs, what should you do?

•What else can people become addicted to?


•Why are some drugs more addicting than others?

•Why do some people get addicted when others do not?

•What happens in the brain of a person that causes addiction?

•Do you know how much illegal drugs cost?

•Do you think it is easy to buy illegal drugs where you live?

•Which is worse, a peaceful drug addict or a violent non-addict?

•Should pregnant women be arrested for child abuse if they use drugs when they are pregnant which may affect the baby?

•Should women be prevented legally from drinking any alcohol or smoking when pregnant?

•Do you think it is a good idea to have safe, legal injecting rooms for intravenous drug users, where they can use clean equipment and sterile water?

•Cancer patients find that marijuana stops their pain. Should it be legal for them?

•Do you think experimenting with alcohol and cigarettes leads to experimenting with harder drugs?

•Do you think ecstasy is dangerous?

•At what age should it be legal to drink and smoke?

•Do we use too many prescription drugs?

•What are natural remedies?

•Are natural remedies like homeopathy and herbal medicine drugs too?

•Do we give too many prescribed drugs to children?

•Why is the cost of prescription drugs so high?

•Have you ever used a prescription drug without a prescription?

•What do you think society ought to do about people who spend most of their time and money getting high on illegal drugs? Why?

•Should employers be allowed to "drug test" their employees?

•Why do you think people start using drugs?

•What should happen to babies who are born addicted to drugs?

•What would you do if someone in your family were addicted to drugs?

•What do you know about drugs?

•What are some dangerous drugs?

•What drugs do you think are useful?

•What drugs are addicting?

•Do you think that marijuana should be legal for medical uses with a prescription from a doctor?

•What does crack cocaine do to your body?

•What does it do to your mind?

•What will happen if you keep on using?

•How do you stop yourself from using it? / How does an addict quit using it?

•What kind of drugs are the most popular in your country?

•What kind of "legal" drugs are the most popular?

•Are we as a society addicted to legal drugs?

•In your culture, what are some home remedies for:


•Why do people take drugs if there know it is bad for them?

•Who do you think pressure people to do drugs?

•Why do people buy drugs?

•Can you legally use drugs in your country?

•What happens to an addict who goes into a rehab center?

•What is the influence of drugs in your community?

•How can you help a drug addict?

•Do you think that soft drugs lead to hard drug use?

•How can drugs help a person?

•Do you agree that"once an addict,always an addict"?

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