


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Were there many children in your family?

•How many children do you have. How many would you like to have.

•Do you enjoy being around children?

•When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

•What are the positive or negative things about being a child?


•Do you think that children are different today from the time when you were child? Or from 50 years ago? 100 years ago?

•What is most annoying or amazing thing about children?

•What is the most important thing that we need to teach children?

•Do you think that children are naturally good? Why or why not?

•What were some important experiences that you had when you were child which shaped you as a person?

•Why do you think children commit violent crimes?

•Do you think children are more violent today than they used to be? Why?

•What was your favorite game when you were a child?

•Do we have to answer children's questions even if they are inappropriate ones?

•Is it better to err on the side of strictness or leniency with children?

•Who should be primarily responsible for taking care of children? Wife? Husband? Grandparents? Relatives? Day-care center?

•What are the most important lessons to teach young children at home? Older children?

•Is childhood the best time of life?

•Who raised you? Your parents or grandparents or another family member?

•Are you close to your parents? Do you get along well with your parents?

•What did your family like to do together when you were a child?

•What are your fondest childhood memories?

•What are your earliest childhood memories?

•What were your favorite games as a child?

•How did you play as a child?

•Who was your best childhood friend?

•What was the most important lesson your parents taught you?

•Should children be paid for household chores?

•Can you remember doing anything that got you into trouble? What was it? How were you punished?

•Should children be spanked? Why or why not?

•What was your favorite toy?


•What was your favorite toy as a child?

•Do you think children today are under more pressure?

•Do you think parents today have less time for their children?

•Do you think video games are a bad influence on children?

•Do you think children watch too much television?

•Do we have a responsibility to correct children when their parents aren't around and they are misbehaving?

•Do you think it is important for children to learn English and their family's native language? Why?

•How do you think children can learn through play ?

•What are basic children's rights?

•At what age should discipline be introduced to children?

•Can you tell when a child is being honest or trying to get away from something? How?

•Did you have any accidents at home as a child? If yes, what happened?

•What's something children do that you'd like to be able to do it too?

•What's the cutest thing you think children do?

•What's a bad thing you think children do?

•What kind of games do you like to play these days with children?

•Do you agree that children nowadays are smarter then the children from some decades ago used to be?

•What are you never going to allow, or have never allowed, your children to do?

•Is there a best time to have children?

•If yes, when do you think that is?

•When is it OK for little girls to wear makeup?

•What do children use their cellphones for?

•Will you give one to your children?

•After what age?

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