


英语陪练学习 英语陪练学习
Question list

•Do you enjoy meeting new people?

•What are some good things to ask someone you just met?

•What are some things you shouldn't ask people you just met?

•Is it OK to ask a person's age in your country?

•Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new?


•What are some ways to overcome being nervous about meeting new people?

•About how many new people do you meet a week?

•Where are some good places to meet people?

•How important are first impressions to you?

•What do you do if you forget the name of someone you've just been introduced to?

•What kind of people do you like to meet?

•Who was the last new person you met and where did you meet them?

•Have you ever experienced being completely wrong in your first impression?

•Do you usually shake hands with when you meet a new person?

•If you want to get to know people at a party would you go first to people of your own age or people of your own sex?

•What is the favorite topic for new acquaintances in your country?

•If you are looking for a shallow relationship, where do you usually go to meet people?

•If you are looking for a good friend, where do you usually go to meet people?

•In your country, how do you know if you can trust a person that you meet?

•How about in the US?

•How do you know if you can trust a person that you meet here?

•Do you enjoy meeting new people?

•What do you like most or least about it?

•Do you feel you are outgoing or shy around people? How do you usually act?

•What are some good things to ask someone you have just met?

•What are some things you shouldn't ask people you just met?

•Is it OK to ask a person for their age in your country? Why or why not?


•Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new?

•How could a shy person overcome their fear of meeting new people?

•About how many new people do you meet a week?

•Where are some good places to meet people?

•How important are first impressions to you?

•Have you ever experienced being completely wrong in your first impression?

•What do you do if you forget the name of someone you've just been introduced to?

•What are some things you can say?

•What kind of people do you like to meet?

•Who was the last new person you met and where did you meet them? Have you seen them again?

•What do people do when they meet a new person in your culture?

•Is it OK to touch another person when you first meet them in your culture?

•Do you ever shake hands with when you meet a new person in your culture?

•Do you like to shake hands when you meet new people?

•If you want to get to know people at a party, would you first approach people of your own age?

•People of your own gender?

•What is a favorite topic for new acquaintances of your age in your country?

•If you are looking for a shallow relationship, where can you go to meet people?

•If you are looking for a good friend, where can you go to meet people?

•In your country, how do you know if you can trust a person that you meet?

•How do you know if you can trust a person that you have met?

•What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

•Do business people exchange business cards in your culture?

•How do they do it?

•How far apart do people stand from each other when they talk in your culture?

•Is it impolite to say "No" in your culture if you don't know someone very well?

•Do people in your culture use a lot of body language when they communicate, or do they keep their bodies relatively still?

•Do people in your culture show their emotions when communicating with others or do they hide some feelings?

•How do they show their emotions?

•What kind of feelings might they hide?

•Do you feel comfortable with people here?

•With people from other cultures?

•What can we do to create more understanding and harmony among people in our world?

•Are you a person who approaches someone first?

•Or are you a person who waits for someone to approach you?

•What makes you remember a new person that you have just met? Do you remember them for long?

•Do you shake hands with someone new always, usually, sometimes, never?

•If you want to get to know people at a party would you go first to people of your own age or people of your own sex?

•To people who are standing alone or people already in a group?

•The favorite topic for new acquaintances in Britain is the weather, in America it's where you come from, what is it in your country?

•If you don't really like this new person how do you finish the conversation and make your escape?

•What does your name mean?

•What are the customary greetings and behaviors for meeting/greeting someone in your culture?

•How do you introduce two people to each other

•What are some different ways of making introductions?

•When you introduce people do you use their whole names or just first names?

•What are the advantages of meeting new people when you move to a new country?

•What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

•How important is it to smile when you meet someone for the first time?

•Do you like to kiss, shake or bow when you meet a new person?

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