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如下为同学雅思原文: Advertising can influence the way people think, so it has negative effects. Do you
agree or disagree? 赞成
误导我们商品信息 虚假信息
从众心理 浪费钱 买不必要的东西
It is common that advertisements can be seen
everywhere, such as on TV, in the newspaper or on the internet. Many
manufacturers try to use more unique methods to make their promotion appealing. I personally agree this opinion. 错 给出观点 agree or disagree
It is true that advertising sometimes have bad
influence. They could make us misunderstand the true information of the goods.
Just like the hamburger selling, some managers want to attract more customs,
thus they exaggerate the size of hamburgers and make it more delicious in the
advertising pictures, but the real size is much smaller. Actually it is a sort
of fake news for citizens because they could tell whether this goods is the one
that they really want or not. What is more, advertising can change residents’
value and make them pursuit something that they could not afford it but others
do. People like to follow the other people, especially the people they like. It
is common that a famous handsome singer becomes the
representative of luxury brand, and a lot of teenagers like him. So these
teenagers may buy these expensive goods to support their idol, which is
difficult for them to afford them and unnecessary.
However, I could not deny that advertising can
also make a positive difference. Through the media, people can know more
high-quality products, so that they can make a comparation of the same thing
with different brands and find the best one. For example, people used to know
the only kind of milk in their city. If the other managers of different brand
of milk come to advertise, citizens then realize that they could choose other
kinds of milk they prefer, thus they maybe more satisfied with the goods they
buy. At the same time, advertising is also helpful to the salesmen to improve
their performance. 如下为外教修改后的作文:
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