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General training writing task 2

2020-1-15 16:05| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3030| 评论: 0

简介:Some people think that children would benefit if they attend nursery school before primary school while some people think that children should stay all day with their families. Discuss both views and ...




General training writing task 2

 Some people think that children would benefit if they attend nursery school before primary school while some people think that children should stay all day with their families. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

 In the modern society, children education has always been the foremost priority of many parents. I agree that sending young children to nursery schools will benefit their early development and understand the concerns that young children should spend more time with family members.

 First of all, there are increasing evidences showing that children gain numerous advantages from nursery schools. As children are taken care by professional nursery teacher, they become exposed to numbers, letters and shapes. Consequently, children who attend high-quality nursery school enter primary school with better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies, and stronger basic math skills than those who do not. Furthermore, some evidences indicate that attending nursery has positive impacts on children’s behavior as well. For example, teachers will educate children to share and follow instructions, raise their hand when they want to ask a question, take turns. By this means, children will be aware of how to compromise, be respectful of others, gain a sense of being an individual and build confidence with being separated from parents. Thus, it is convincing to believe nursery is necessary to develop their children’s health both physically and psychologically.

 In spite of aforementioned argument, opponents of sending children to nursery think staying with families all the time will benefit their early childhood significantly. Since children are too young to adapt a new environment, people always have concerns on children’s mood changes which may have negative impact on their psychological health, such as anxiety, frustration, autism. Besides, people argue that parents or home-based education can also provide basic necessary knowledge to their children such as readings and calculations. As a result, it is suggested that parents are considered to be the first and best teachers.

 In conclusion, although bond between family and children is important, it seems that children gain more benefits from being sent to nursery school.


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