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Without rules and laws, our society cannot function appropriately.

2019-8-24 11:05| 发布者: admin| 查看: 700| 评论: 0

简介:Without rules and laws, our society cannot function appropriately. Regulations play a vital in our lives. From my view, every should obey the legislation, although it may limit our freedom and creatio ...
        Without rules and laws, we cannot build a prosperous society. A prosperous society needs its citizens have a conscious of regulations. For example, if individuals were free to do whatever they want, the society is likely to get mess. Also, our environment will be damaged by people’s terrible behaviors, such as getting rid of rubbish, cutting trees and contaminate water randomly. These behaviors all need rules and laws to be restricted and they will pose a threat to people’s living standard and the economic development of our society.
 In addition, people need rules and laws to regulate their behaviors in order to get a decent job since behavior can influence one’s career. Employers are more likely to employ those people who has good behaviors. For instance, people are able to finish their works with a high quality, if they work under the serious company rules. Employees are more likely to get food grades if they obey every rule and law. Therefore, they will have a brilliant job prospect.
However, to much rules and laws may limit one’s freedom and creation. People are afraid of making mistakes during their work for which they may be punished by company or their boss. Under the pressure of being dismissed, they cannot conduct new creations for their work, which may enhance their companies’ benefits. For stuff, it is hard to get achievement, for company, they cannot gain a dramatic development.
 Overall, I reckon that rules and laws can help the society to reduce many troubles, although it may pose an opposite impact on our freedom and creation. 



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