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Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

2019-8-24 15:09| 发布者: admin| 查看: 866| 评论: 0

简介:Some people believe that it is good to share as much Information as possible in scientific research, Business and the academic world. Others believe that some Information is too important or too valua ...


Some people believe that it is good to share as much Information as possible in scientific research, Business and the academic world. Others believe that some Information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


In the following twenty years after the turn of millennium, when the desire for information abounds in every respect of our society especially in scientific research, Business and the academic world. Some people suppose that sharing is a quite good thing, however, others have the opposite idea. My opinion is that, to some extent ,share or unwilling to share are both acceptable, the decision would be maked after thorough consideration.

Our is a highly complex society which, in order to highly develop , needs people with various professions to share their information and help a vast majority of people to maintain relatively fresh information even save for their lives. For instance, the news that some diseases have been cured can give patients hope. If the information were be unlocked, more and more individuals could still stand for living. Besides that, some information of extremely weather should be shared as soon as possible, we can using diversity media to express the news, such as TV, broadcast, cellphone applications,newspaper,etc.,which would also save lots of lives.

When we look at some kinds of information, however, the value and safety are significant to be considered before people sharing them. People who devoted a great deal of their life’s time and energy to some kind of research , their achievement worth everyone respected them through money or other payments. Safety is actually what people also take consideration for.  For example , an information of rare precious plant or animal should not be open to the public, which may avoid to result in an extinct species.

As far as I’m consider, whether to closure or disclosure information is reasonable and should be decided according to case-by-case basis.




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