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Some people think that high taxes are necessary

2019-8-24 15:33| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1083| 评论: 0

简介:Some people think that high taxes are necessary so that government can have enough money to provide good public services; while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.


Some people think that high taxes are necessary so that government can have enough money to provide good public services; while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.


 People’s opinion differ as to whether or not high taxes should be paid to the government. While there were some strong arguments against the rising duties ,I still believe that it is necessary aspect that kept a country and its social orders to work properly.

   In the one hand, we actually seen some drawbacks of the taxes. The gap between the rich and the poor is not going to be reduced by taxes, it seems that it is constantly increasing. Rich people have many ways to evade taxes, such as some stars in the show business, as we known that the amount of tax they designedly avoid is amazing. What’s more, corruption among quite a few tax officials was growing due to the lack of strong supervision. Last but not least, the endlessly construction of public facilities has affected the daily life of local residents, in some cases where those facilities were not necessary.

  However,on the other hand,governments should pay the salaries of public sector workers like police officers and teachers. Those necessary money was raised by taxing people's income. With the improvement of living standard ,the official ‘s rewards would reasonable increase. As well as more and more free education and health care may be provided by the state. Besides that, some governments control public transport, transport systems and even tv channels. All of those above needs leading to grow the level of tax.

   In conclusion, as a disciplined taxpayer, while I do not will to see rising taxes, but from a social development point of view, it is our responsibility as citizens.




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