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As the living standard has remarkably improved these days

2019-10-8 16:56| 发布者: admin| 查看: 757| 评论: 0

简介:As the living standard has remarkably improved these days, people have more chances to obtain a further education overseas


As the living standard has remarkably improved these days, people have more chances to obtain a further education overseas, while in the past, they have to attend domestic college probably due to they cannot afford the expensive tuition fees. I believe this phenomenon brings a lot benefits as well as comes along with some drawbacks.


Students those who have the opportunities to study abroad may broaden their horizons and be equipped with multi-talented skills so that it is much simple for them to get employed by the big corporations when they go home. By studying the high-tech products, mastering practical skills in a professional field or learning the essence of the local culture, these students will become more brilliant and terrific in the particular profession with a large knowledge backgrounds from all walks of life. When they finished their overseas study, the majority of them are armed with professional qualities and capabilities, then they will be more possibly appreciated by well-known companies for their extraordinary competence.


In addition to this, it means that students making friends of different backgrounds tend to own a much perfect and well-round personalities. They interact with like-minded people and learn some good qualities and also cultivate good manners from this person like how to show their respect to disabled child or how to be a good listener and coordinator when there is a conflict between best friends. All these characters and behaviors will influence your attitude to life and the future, and the recent research shows that optimistic people are more likely to achieve success in ones’ career or life.


Those talented people, however, choose not to come back home will cause some negative impacts to some extent. Accustomed to the living and working style in a foreign country, overseas graduates may not willing to back to their own country, instead, keeping stay abroad will provide a more comfortable platform for them as they think they will achieve more and make values in there with accessible resources. As a result, the only country they belong to may lose such precious talents that could probably contribute to the society with their inspiration and creativity that acquired in the foreign country. There is no denying that existing technology cannot boost the economy of the society, it is much preferable for the country to inject new and active blood that international students have to innovate and change the pattern of the world better, in terms of not only the technology, but also the economy.


In conclusion, although talented overseas students may bring some negative influence in particular circumstance, I still believe they have the strongest impact on the prosperity of the society if problems are handled in an appropriate way like allocating some bonus to these excellent students to attract them come home for their better personal development.


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