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In many countries today

2019-12-24 18:11| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1826| 评论: 0

简介:n many countries today,people in big cities prefer to live alone or in small family units rather than a large




In many countries todaypeople in big cities prefer to live alone or in small family units rather than a large extended family group.In your opinion what are the causeWhat effects does it have on society

It is seem that numerous young adults are fond of renting an apartment and live alone rather than sharing the same house with their parents.There are loads of factors lead to this consequencesbesides in this essay I will  discuss the influences.

 There are different kinds of reasons .The foremost reason is the  young people face enormous completion and stress at the workplace .So after finishing them worksperhaps they are into a quite and separate spacemaybe they  can have a good rest and relax in this way.For examplemy sister is live far away from our familymainly because she doesn't had enough time to accompany us and she can wanton vent her bad mood and temper .Additionallywith the development of society our methods of transportations are variousso our lifestyles has been changedcity has more and more roads and railwaysand the people's way of life has become mobile and flexible consequently they are free to choose where they live instead of staying in the same placewhich is a common modern phenomenon at present.

It also have some effects.It is obvious that are increasing the sense of isolation of people.Living alone may donot have a person who you can chat and pour outbut sometime we indeed need that person.Everytime when I chew the fats with my friends all my sadness and disappointments disappeared.All in all it reduce an inidivials general satisfaction with life.What is more it will contribute to some risks for society.That we cannot take better care of our parentsif some accidents and events occur suddenly we cannot get to them at the first time.

 To sum up nowadays citizens are prefer to live far away from them familiesand it bringing a few negative impacts .


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