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As the globalized world continues to develop

2020-1-13 16:04| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1121| 评论: 0

简介:As the globalized world continues to develop, contradictory opinions regarding the goal of governments are widely discussed




As the globalized world continues to develop, contradictory opinions regarding the goal of governments are widely discussed. Lots of governments focus on economic growth, whereas some critics consider targets such as environment and national security are fair equivalents. In this essay, both ideas will be looked at, and my own opinion will be discussed as well.

 For those governments which advocate that the importance of economy processes other spheres, their main pursuit may be the improvement of citizens’ life. With better economy, everyone’s basic income and living conditions would be boosted, furthermore, national systems regarding healthcare, welfare and so on could be continuingly enhanced as long as the economic growth stays strong. In addition, governments who guarantee prosperity of economy can consolidate its eligibility, as well as military strength and geopolitical influence.

 However, other aspects of a country’s development should not be neglected. For instance, lots of critics are arguing that without adequate environment-protection, all the economic accomplishments will be in vain. Problems like climate change and air pollution have already threatened our existence, thus every governments should collaborate and cope with these vital challenges. Specifically, every countries have its own priority, for example, national security for those regions in war, as well as energy for those in shortage, should be treated with equal, or more attention.

 In conclusion, different opinions have different supporting evidences. From my perspective, I absolutely believe that, with unique demands of various countries, governments should make rational choices when making policies, instead of hold obsession of economic development.


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